What was here isn't.
Okay, here's the deal... my host choked. Everything I had on wingedspirit.net is most likely lost... they said they're still working to see if they can recover anything, but with my luck...
Of course, the backups I had went when the computer died.
I got the vast majority of the stuff I had on the domain back, thanks to Google cache and the Wayback machine (and a nice friend who had some images cached).
I'm not going to start rebuilding until I'm absolutely sure that my host can't recover the data, because I'll have to re-html and re-layout all the files, which is quite a lot of work. In the meantime, this blog is going to keep being updated, of course, but there are going to be a lot of broken links. All of the "old archives" listed on the sidebar on the left, for instance. Bear with me, I'm trying to get this sorted out.