Current wordcount for NaNoWriMo: 43294. Which means, holy shit, I've written about 12K words between yesterday and today.
And I'm also very much ahead of the target wordcount. Woohoo. I can make this! \o/
... Current wordcount for NaNoWriMo:
¤ November 25, 2002 02:13 AM ¤
My story is better it has Instant messaging.
Posted by: FB at October 25, 2002 06:33 PM
Hey, out of curiosity, about how many words does a chapter in a normal novel have?
And yeesh...You have more drive than I'll ever have with that. That's a LOT of writing. :P
Posted by: Rosiel at October 25, 2002 08:37 PM
"You should try doing something that seems impossible sometimes..."
Remember who I is, assassina. ;)
I do a handful of impossible things before BREAKFAST. o/
Posted by: GBM at October 26, 2002 05:57 AM
I know, cookieman. ;) Hence the winking smiley.
\o/ Almost done! \o/
Rosiel: dunno, never counted.
sp4f: when I'm over 50K words I'll put up an announcement on here asking for people to read it and force me to go on. (The story will end up being at least 100K words long... siigh. So I need an incentive to finish it. And what better incentive than people shouting at me "write, I want more!"? ;)
Posted by: sailoreagle at October 26, 2002 12:57 PM
I've seen what you eat for breakfast, GBM. That is an impossible thing in itself.
And that's a pretty damned impressive wordcount, eagle. Go you!
Posted by: CyberFish at October 27, 2002 09:15 PM