Aaaaaaaargh! Reason #1 why I

Aaaaaaaargh! Reason #1 why I hate WinXP: I opened 6 IE windows and it grouped them all under a "program group". This is such a pain in the ass. Can anybody tell me how to deactivate this function? ><# I am so glad I opted for Win98SE on my new computer.

¤ November 18, 2002 12:27 PM ¤


I reckon 2k is still the best of them. Much more stable than 98SE, far less garbage than XP

Posted by: scumble at October 19, 2002 01:35 AM

go under control panel > taskbar > unclick the "group similar taskbar buttons option"

Posted by: reins at October 19, 2002 02:17 AM

i think that would work.. never tried it.

Posted by: reins at October 19, 2002 02:18 AM

scumble- yes, but Win2K gives some problems for some games - games that I want to be able to play on my new system. My brother uses Win2K on his computer, which he mostly uses for gaming, and it has some issues.

reins- thanks, will see if that works next time I'm at uni.

Posted by: sailoreagle at October 19, 2002 02:34 PM