Eeee. Okay, so I'm a sucker for cool-looking stuff, but eee. CDRs that look like old vinyl 45s. I want.
Eeee. Okay, so I'm a
¤ November 3, 2002 03:43 PM ¤
hi there! my friend was looking at your blog and noticed a lot of things we're sorta connected with... yen, mega tokyo, the omline vampire thing and other little stuff. so i stopped by, too. where are you from? seems like ur in japan... like we are. anyways... we also couldnt figure out if you were male or female. lol anyways... i love your torch picture!! totally awesome. wells, take care!
Posted by: Zoom at October 3, 2002 04:01 PM
Not in Japan.
As for whether I'm male or female... does it matter?
(If you have half a brain and look through my past entries you can figure it out, anyway. Both where I live and what my gender is.)
Posted by: sailoreagle at October 3, 2002 04:33 PM