Oh, almost forgot to mention... I had a very odd dream last night. It involved me going to volleyball practice and finding all my old friends from volleyball there, and they all pounced me and we ended up on the ground in a group hug. (;_; Goddamn I miss them... didn't realize how much until I started playing volleyball again. No way to track them down, either...) Then it moved to choir rehearsal, and I was singing oddly (in a very complex way, with a lot of variations and such) and the director asked me to tone it down and sing "solo le note normali" ("just the normal notes"... I know where this is from, it's a quote off this movie). Then the dream shifted again, and I was talking with this guy from a ML (a ML I barely read and never speak up in... I certainly never actually spoke with the guy) about something I forget at the moment. And then I woke up. ^^;
Oh, and somewhere in it there was somebody parking their car on the top of a skyscraper (don't ask me how or why). I remember I was concerned that it would fall off.
Oh, almost forgot to mention...
¤ November 1, 2002 12:03 AM ¤