Note to self about bookstores

Note to self about bookstores (or, "a tale of missed trains"):

If you have 45 minutes to catch your train, don't say "oh, I have time, I'll just go have a look in that bookstore which carries English books".
If you do, don't spend 40 minutes in there.
If you do, don't look at your watch and say, "oh, I have 30 minutes until the next train - I'll just get to that other bookshop and see if they have a book for me to read while I'm waiting for the train".
If you do, don't spend 15 minutes looking at books and finding nothing.
If you do, don't get distracted by a whole section of the shop you had overlooked while you're heading for the exit.
If you do, don't spend 30 minutes in there.

Yeah, I missed my train twice this afternooon. ^^; Got home at half past seven (which is why, if you were looking for me online earlier than that time, I wasn't there).

But I did get three new books to read.


¤ September 17, 2002 12:26 AM ¤


You win o/o

I can and will spend many hours just browsing through bookstores if given the chance. My favourite has to be the Borders bookstore about 45 minutes drive from here. Big and full of good books and a good coffee shop o/

Posted by: sp4f at September 17, 2002 09:28 AM

Addendum: If you go to the bookstore set on only spending a certain amount, do NOT under any circumstances decide to look and see if they have some things you've been wanting. You'll end up with all of them and no money.

Posted by: Rosiel at September 18, 2002 12:12 AM

Addendum 2: Never go into a bookstore with a 30-50% off sale when you're on a budget, unless your purse/wallet is physically welded shut.

Posted by: Icchan at September 18, 2002 05:40 PM

Addendum 3, courtesy of my mom: Never ever EVER have open credit in a bookstore which your book-addicted daughter (or son, or whatever) has access to.

Uh, not that I'd take advantage of the credit and buy lots of books and leave it to mom to pay them, nooooo. O:D

Posted by: sailoreagle at September 18, 2002 10:04 PM

Addendum 4:

If you are on a limited budget, never buy a book that is the first in a long series. Trust me on this.

Posted by: CyberFish at September 18, 2002 10:58 PM

Addendum 5: Don't go to a bookstore if you don't have any money. Really, don't. It's painful.

Posted by: sailoreagle at September 20, 2002 08:23 PM