Whee. Summer's over, welcome to

Whee. Summer's over, welcome to September. How... depressing.

And our stupid neighbors brutally murdered our jasmine plant. It was climbing up a grate which showed on both gardens - ours and the neighbors' - and apparently they didn't like all the leaves on their side, so they cut it all off. Now our beautiful jasmine, which took years to grow and was the envy of all the neighborhood, is half-dead and all holey and ugly. And there was a jasmine vine that we'd made climb up on the rainpipe so it got to the floor where my bedroom is, and it was all pretty and it took years to get it like that, and they cut off that vine too so we have to start over. >< We noticed what they'd done too late to try and fix it...
They aren't home right now, but when they do get home, they are so getting yelled at. Fuckers.

¤ September 1, 2002 12:08 PM ¤


those bastards! Totally inconsiderate!

Posted by: reins at September 2, 2002 09:13 AM

I didn't realise the damage was that bad. What assholes.

Posted by: scumble at September 4, 2002 11:31 AM