Whoa, Thursday already? This week went by quickly. Ever felt like time just slipped through your fingers before you realized it? That's precisely how I feel right now.
At least exam time is nearly over...
Had my oral English exam today. I 0wned it. XD 15+/15. It was this debate thing we had to do in pairs... I did it with my best RL friend on capital punishment. (I was supposed to be against capital punishment, and him for capital punishment.) Everybody else rehearsed their debate, we thought about doing it but we said "fuckit, you gather stuff for your arguments, I gather stuff for mine, then we debate for real". Before the exam, we were like "I'll demolish your arguments, just you wait!" "No, I'll demolish yours!" XD But when we started the debate, we actually found common ground pretty quickly and went on from there to reach an agreement. The teacher blinked, asked us a few questions (which we answered), grinned and said, "well, I'm going to give you a 15+". We kept a straight face until we got out of the room, and then we went "woohoo!" and highfived each other. \o/