Update on my university work

Update on my university work woes:
- Information Technology essay - done!
- Part of year II project - done!
- Year II project website [shouldn't take long, hopefully]
- Principles of Marketing project [gah! I finish something, and something else to do turns up. I have no clue what this is supposed to be, either, I skipped the class where they explained. Oh well. It's a group project, thank God, so it shouldn't be too hard.]
- "Creative Psychology" "diary" - done!
- "Creative Psychology" project, ~10000 words, due whenever I finish it (in a week or two) [10K words? On my own? The hell I will. It's going to be 5K words or so max. And they won't be able to say anything, as it's originally a group project, but I'm doing it on my own.]
- My part of History of Journalism project - done! [well sorta. I did half of what I was planning to do. The teacher won't notice tho, so who cares.]
- The Editing & Publishing project [this one has the farthest deadline, 21st of June, and is something I'll enjoy doing, so I'm leaving it as the last thing to do]

Gah. I'm stressed to hell and back. I can't even remember the last day I was really relaxed. Hopefully all this shit will be over soon.

¤ June 4, 2002 09:56 PM ¤
