FRIDAY 17:25 Going home from

17:25 Going home from the train station, my bicycle starts making odd ta-klunk noises and the hind wheel starts wobbling.
17:35 I get home, tell my parents about it, and resolve to take it to repair next morning.
17:36 My dad says, "I'll repair it for you, no sense in wasting money. You'll have it by Monday morning. Don't worry." I worry.

18:55 My dad's finished repairing my bicycle. I take it once around the block. Hmm, seems to work fine. Okay, maybe I was worrying for nothing.

MONDAY (today)
07:55:00 Halfway between home and the train station. Bicycle starts making ta-klunk ta-KLANK noises. I worry.
07:55:57 ta-klunk ta-KLANK TA-KLUNK "Oh fu--"
07:56:00 The hind wheel suddenly stops turning. Completely blocked.
07:56:10 Stop. Curse. Kick the wheel repeatedly.
07:56:15 Realize the bicycle is not going to start working again, no matter how much I kick it.
07:56:20 Realize that to make it to the train station in time I'd have to be the fastest person on the earth - which I'm not. Curse profusely.
07:56:25 Call home.
07:57:00 Dad picks up the phone. I explain the situation. He says he'll be here in a minute.
07:58:00 Dad not here. Curse.
07:58:30 Dad arrives. I jump into the car, and off we go to the train station.
08:00:10 Arrive to the train station. See the train leave under my nose. Curse profusely.

[I got back home, and my mom drove me to uni instead. Fast forward to this afternoon.]

16:00:00 Get to the train station. Wonder briefly where my bicycle is, then remember - left it halfway between train station and home. Mutter a curse and start walking.
16:05:00 Get to the bicycle. Check the hind wheel. Still blocked, no way to unblock it except taking the whole bicycle apart and then putting it back together - which I can't do. Curse.
16:05:30 Start dragging the bicycle.
16:05:45 Try holding the hind wheel up instead of dragging it. Find out it's more tiring than dragging the whole thing. Curse.
16:06:30 Make it across the road. Stop and curse.
16:07:00 Call home to see if one of my parents is home and can come and fetch me and my bicycle with the car.
16:07:30 Brother picks up the phone. Parents are not home. Damnit.
16:09:00 Finished cursing profusely, start dragging bicycle home.

[fast forward]

16:45 Get home.
16:46 Consider whether to take a shower or just collapse on the sofa.
16:47 Go to take a shower.
17:00 Shower done. I go to collapse on the sofa.

I know what my dad will say. "Oh, don't worry. I'll fix it."


¤ June 3, 2002 05:32 PM ¤


don't you like, have a drivers liscence? ;)

Posted by: FB at June 4, 2002 02:29 PM

d0om, my brother uses his to go to school so I can't use that, and all the other ones are either broken or have a flat tire.

FB, yeah, but a driving license is not much good when one car is being used by my mom and one car is being used by my dad. :p

Posted by: sailoreagle at June 4, 2002 09:50 PM