Of the force of nature:

Of the force of nature:

After lunch, my mom went to eat an apple. Upon cutting it open, she stared briefly, then told me, "come look at this". She held one of the apple seeds up, and I saw that the seed had already sprouted. I blinked and said that it was odd, and we should try planting it in a glass with a bit of earth to see if it lived. Mom agreed, and went to look in the cupboard outside since she knew we still had a small bag of soil in there from when we put flowers on my balcony last spring. I was inside, tidying the kitchen, and she called me again, "...come look at this".
On the same shelf the bag of soil was, we had some potatoes. They had clearly been there a while - they'd already sprouted roots and stuff. And get this - they'd dug through the plastic bag - the thick, closed plastic bag that contained the soil to get at the soil and root themselves in it.
So what could we do? We planted two potatoes as well, two small potatoes that had already had several little daughter potatoes. Heheh. Oh, and an onion had done the same thing as well, and got planted.

There's a saying here which goes, en avril, taca anca el manego de un badil (in April, even the handle of a shovel will sprout roots)... guess it must be true. *lol*

¤ April 15, 2002 02:31 PM ¤



Posted by: scumble at April 15, 2002 11:08 PM