Anyway, just came home from

Anyway, just came home from an after-marriage dinner party. Contrary to my expectations, I actually had fun. Heh.
First of all, the (very loud) music prevented my relatives from cooing over me and going "my how you've grown". \o/ And secondly, dancing is fun. At first I wasn't going to even try dancing because, well, I dance like a three-legged epileptic crocodile... :p But then I thought, hey, I can't possibly look more ridiculous than them old ladies dancing like youngsters, can I? Heheh. And it was fun.
Though I've noticed one thing. When I dance, I tend to favor my right leg. So my right thigh is all cramped up now that I've stopped moving. Meh.

¤ April 13, 2002 11:49 PM ¤
