I'll just do some more

I'll just do some more whining.

So after staying home yesterday, and feeling all rested, I was planning to go back to university today. After all, I don't want to miss the first week of courses after the Easter holidays, yeah?
Yesterday evening I was feeling a bit... well, odd, though. Like I usually feel when I'm really sick. So, just out of curiosity, I checked my temperature again. (Keep in mind that my normal body temperature is somewhere between 36.2 °C and 36.6 °C...)
Since I had nothing better to do, I was sitting there looking at the thermometer as the temperature went up. 36.8... 37.0... 37.3... 37.6... it finally stopped at 37.7 °C.
So yeah. Going to university for the rest of this week is out of the question. And now I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind, with a headache that won't go away even after I took some painkillers. Buh.

¤ April 11, 2002 12:05 PM ¤
