Yes. Thank you God. The

Yes. Thank you God. The thermometer tells me my temperature is 37.4 °C, while my normal temperature is around 36.2-36.6 °C. With a bit of luck, I'll be able to stay home and sleep tomorrow instead of going to uni.
Yes, I know I could sleep now. But I have something to do for my mom, and I don't want to get yelled at when she comes home. Because of course, no matter how sick I am, no matter how shitty I'm feeling, she always comes first.
The last time something like this happened, our conversation went like this:
Me: "Hey mom, sorry I didn't do that stuff for you, but I was feeling really shitty, so I went to sleep instead."
Her: "If you'd done it earlier, this wouldn't have happened."
Me: "I was feeling shitty the past few days, too. And I started doing it."
Her: "I don't care if you're sick, you have to finish doing that stuff for me."
So yeah. I'm going to finish that thing, then I swear I'm going to bed at 11pm tonight. And then tomorrow I'm staying home.

If I can convince my mom, of course. She tends to say, "Stop whining, just take something and go to university anyway" when I am sick. And it does not matter how zombie-like I am, or how little I've slept in the past few days.

¤ April 9, 2002 04:26 PM ¤


nice. my mum tells me to call in sick and go to bed in such a situation (still)

Posted by: scumble at April 10, 2002 01:21 AM