Heheh... my mom just told

Heheh... my mom just told me a story that made me literally howl with laughter. I guess you'd have to have my (extremely warped and peculiar) sense of humour to find it as funny as I did... here it is anyway.

My mom's a teacher, as I'm sure I've already said once or twice. Two of her colleagues - let's call them Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 - are sisters. A few days ago, one of the teachers of the class Teacher 1 teaches was off sick, so Teacher 2 was called in as a substitute teacher. Teacher 2 had first period, and Teacher 1 had second period. During the second period, one of the boys (I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to call 13 year old kiddies "guys") approached Teacher 1 and asked: "Um... is Teacher 2 your sister?"
Teacher 1, of course, answered: "Well, yes."
And the boy blurted out: "God, but she's ugly!!!"

Heeheehee... I dunno why, but stuff like that always makes me laugh my ass off.

¤ April 5, 2002 09:32 PM ¤


lol poor teacher1 (or 2, you seem to swap halfway through :p)

Posted by: d0om at April 6, 2002 02:02 AM

No, I don't switch. Pay closer attention.

Posted by: sailoreagle at April 6, 2002 10:00 AM