I write odd stuff when

I write odd stuff when I'm nearly asleep.
Heheh. I barely remember writing that... I was already half asleep and my light was already off, but I got the idea for that... thing, so I groped on the floor next to my bed until I found my notepad and a pen (which I keep there especially for cases like this), and without turning on the light, I scribbled that. When I reread it this morning, I went: "... o.O ... O.o ..." in sequence... heheh. But it's worth posting, if only because it's different from what I usually write.
Maybe I will attempt to write the music for it, too, someday.

¤ March 14, 2002 02:58 PM ¤


I went to look at your storyblog. Good stuff.

Posted by: Natasha Compagnon at March 21, 2002 12:51 PM