Just got the results for

Just got the results for my English exam and the final grade for my "Media and its Transformation" class. Allow me some gloating...
Got a 29/30 on the English exam *gloat* and the stuck-up asshole who's in my class and acts like he knows everything (a couple of direct quotes from a few lessons ago: "I know more than you because I've been in the States for two years to study" and "shut up, you're a girl, everybody knows that girls don't do well in language classes") got a 24/30 *GLOAT* Haha, in his face. Now he'll shut up.
As for the Media class, final grade is a 28/30. *gloat* Considering the mid-term exam was a 26/30, it means I did EXTREMELY well on that essay I loathed doing. And I finished it the day before it was due, too. ^^v

¤ January 8, 2002 12:45 PM ¤
