Lessee, Christmas presents...
- A new mouse for my computer. Logitech optical mouse, w00t. The other one was so old it worked only half the time... it did not even have a scrollwheel, fs.
- A new sweater. I chose the wool and everything, but I was not expecting my mom to finish it in time for Christmas. Whuh, she knits FAST. A whole sweater in only a week.
- Books. Only 5 books, unfortunately (plus another one from my aunt, but that's so small I'll read it in 10 minutes, so it doesn't count), but I plan on taking a trip to the local bookshop soon.
- An amethyst stone formation thingy. This was an extra present. See, I'd bought one of those for my brother, then I had given it to my mom to keep safe. But she lost it. ^^; So she bought another one as a replacement. Then she found the other one. So I got the one she'd originally bought as a replacement.
- A cellphone holder thingy.
- A cuuute plush leopard from my brother.
- Balloons. (Yes, I'm nearly 20 and I still like plushies and balloons, yes, I know I'm childish, shut up.)
And I could swear I got some other gift, but I can't remember and I can't be bothered to go upstairs to my room to check. Maybe later.
Lessee, Christmas presents... - A
¤ December 25, 2001 03:57 PM ¤
*Tehe*, I'm going *cough*25*cough* and of course I still love plushies, too. *^_^*
There's an adorable Norbert plushie squatting under the Christmas tree... *^^*
Posted by: Ruby at December 25, 2001 04:25 PM