So here I am at

So here I am at university, having just finished my Spanish exam. It wasn't overly difficult, but there were some things I had problems with, of course. --; Eeh.
I risked not taking it, too... this morning I got to the train station, looked up at the train list, and saw that my train had been cancelled. Eeeeek. *insert panicking eagle here* So eh, what could I do? I called my father, and he agreed to drive me to university. I arrived 45 minutes late, but it's better than not taking the exam.
So here I am, sitting at one of the university's crappy computers (the left CTRL key on this keyboard doesn't work...gaah), waiting to be hungry so I go to lunch (I'll probably go in half an hour or so, I have to be back at uni by 1pm... or maybe I'll just skip lunch... hmm, we'll see). Heh.
But hell it's cold in here.

¤ December 20, 2001 11:38 AM ¤
