Right, I'm quite tired of

Right, I'm quite tired of thinking about what happened and being depressed about it, so if you'll excuse me, I'll try and get on with my life. This will be the last post mentioning something about that, unless something new happens worth talking about.

Today at noon (GMT +1) there were three minutes of silence for what happened, all over Italy. Same in the rest of Europe (adjusting for different timezones, of course), for what I know.
It was quite eerie seeing everybody suddenly stop what they were doing while the bell tolled.
Except the fucking morons who started yelling about how they were going to starve since McDonald's and all the other restaurants had closed their doors for the three minutes, so people wouldn't walk in. >< I wish I'd had the guts to walk up to them and slap them. ><

In other news, had a Sociology exam this morning. Basically bullshitted through it, the questions were insane. --; Even the professor that was watching me (an English professor, the Sociology one of course didn't come) said so after reading them. --;;; Eh well, I think I managed to sound convincing. ^^;; Hard to answer questions which require you to adoringly say how much you believe what the professor said and how much you've been enlightened and how better your life is after the course when you think said course was all bullshit, no? :p

¤ September 14, 2001 03:45 PM ¤
