You know what I hate

You know what I hate on webpages? (Except non-underlined links of the same color as the text, smartass. ;p)
Well, many many things. But listing them all would take much too long. Here are some bad trends I saw today while visiting random webpages:

i. Colored scrollbars used wrong. I don't need to have my eyes hurt by a bad color clash between the color of the scrollbar and the color of the layout, thank you. But the worst thing has to be when the scrollbar - all of it, uniformly - is the same color as the background. Especially in frames. Yes, I can scroll using the arrows on my keyboard - but it kinda defeats the point of having a scrollbar, doesn't it?
ii. Unneeded popups. Popups are apparently the "trendy" thing now - especially those new chromeless popups. Now, I understand using a popup for, say, a frame layout which otherwise would deform at high resolutions or not show up decently in 800x600 or something like that (ie. a layout that's larger than the browser window at 800x600 is). But when I see in popups layouts that could've been done without problems without the damn popup... does a table layout need a popup? No, not really. But I guess popups are "cool", and so they get used even where they aren't necessary.

Oh, and am I the only one to find it amusing that there are a lot of cliques all based on the concept of "originality" and/or "no copycats"? Really, I've seen maybe 20 or 30 of them. People, make an original clique, since you're so concerned about originality.

¤ October 16, 2001 04:05 PM ¤
