Gah. I apparently have a

Gah. I apparently have a baaaaad cold. >< Woke up feeling icky this morning... I was hoping it would go away, but no luck. So, right now, I'm feeling like shit. Stuffy nose, sore throat, and the worst thing is, I can't hear very well. -_- This always happens to me when I have a cold, my hearing gets screwed up. Especially on the phone. -_-;; Luckily colds usually last only a day or two for me... so in a couple days I should be fine again.
In the meantime.. gah, I need sleep. I probably won't stay online past 11pm today. Heh, it takes a bad cold to make me go to sleep when I'm supposed to.

¤ October 8, 2001 09:05 PM ¤
