Reins, yeah, the text up there *points* is from the book. It's the poem that goes with Aragorn's name. ^^ As for the Elvish writing, that particular poem was never written in that form in the actual book... I just took one of the many Tolkien fonts I have on my harddisk (fonts of actual writing systems Tolkien invented) and put the poem into that. ^^
As for Luffy's name... yes, they called him Rubber. -_- Thankfully the other names are unchanged. God knows why they felt the need to rename Luffy to Rubber... --;
Oh yeah, I got OP manga #6 today XD *huggles Zoro* *huggles Sanji* (ohwhatthehell) *huggles Mihawk too* XD
Reins, yeah, the text up
¤ December 4, 2001 01:45 PM ¤