Morning grumpiness

Today, for the first time in weeks, I am wearing a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, and carrying a jacket with me. That is because it's quite cold today: a chill wind is blowing, and the sky is threatening rain.

If by noon it's sunny and hot as all hell, I'm going to be very angry with mother nature. ¬¬

Oh, and:

We apologize, but your account is temporarily unavailable. This delay does not affect the entire site or result from any problem specific with your account however the server that holds your account information is temporarily unavailable.
Curse you ten times over, Hotmail, for screwing up my morning routine. Resurrect that stupid machine and let me at my email already.

¤ July 14, 2003 10:44 AM ¤


There is a girl who I work with that always come in grumpy. Her lip is poked out so far she could scoop up the dirt on the ground. I have really tried to work with her, but she is too much for me. She is grumpy and moody because she had to wake up to come to work. We all had to wake up this morning to come to work. For one, she should be happy that she woke up and for two, she should be happy that she has a job to come to in the morning. I feel so sorry for her that I want to buy her a Snickers, because she is showing a sign of grumpiness.

Posted by: Kristina Manderville at July 17, 2003 03:41 PM