Another way to display whichever song you are listening to on your website / on forums / whatever is Of course, it's less elegant than the way I'm doing it, but it's a good solution if you don't have MT installed / can't be bothered to mess around with includes / can't do includes / whatever. It's just an image file, so you can display it pretty much everywhere. I'd found it ages ago, but they weren't taking signups at the time so I found my alternate way... now they're taking signups again so I've signed up for an account. It might be useful, you never know.
(Yes, I'm aware the text on the image is difficult to make out. It's black text on a transparent background. You have no way to customize two different copies of the image to use on two different sites, and I will use this, if I do use it, on places with light backgrounds.)
[EDIT] The image is now linked rather than embedded. I don't like my layouts stretched whenever I'm listening to classical music :P