Prima di partire...

Prima di partire per un lungo viaggio / Devi portare con te la voglia di non tornare pił / Prima di non essere sincera / Pensa che ti tradisci solo tu

(Before leaving for a long trip / You must take with you the desire to never come back again / Before being insincere / Think, you're only betraying yourself)

Prima di partire per un lungo viaggio / Porta con te la voglia di non tornare pił / Prima di non essere d'accordo / Prova ad ascoltare un po' di pił

(Before leaving for a long trip / Take with you the desire to never come back again / Before disagreeing / Try listening a bit more)

Prima di non essere da sola / Prova a pensare se stai bene tu / Prima di pretendere qualcosa / Prova a pensare a quello che dai tu

(Before not being on your own / Try and think if you're feeling good with yourself / Before demanding something / Try and think about what you are giving)

I wish some people would think. I wish they'd see. But they don't seem to be able to understand... and after a bit, it's just their loss.

¤ October 11, 2003 11:40 PM ¤


Y'know, se, that mood "perhaps it's the weather's fault" thing can be mighty amusing when you're in one of the more offbeat moods. *grin*

Posted by: Fred Chook at October 12, 2003 07:24 AM