[11:21:36] * Razor has joined #Thief
[11:21:56] <Razor> yo guys
[11:22:58] <Razor> Can I ask you some tricky questions about morrowind?
[11:23:57] <Razor> please?
[11:24:05] <Razor> enyone?
[11:25:38] <Razor> there is 23 persons here and no one is chating hows that?
[11:26:21] <Razor> THIS IS a chatroom If Im not mistaken right?
[11:26:56] * Razor Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:27:05] * sailoreagle snickers quietly
(Hey, don't look at me that way. I know nothing about Morrowind, anyway, so even if I'd said something, I couldn't have helped the guy. And the channel is almost always idle at this time of the morning. The fact that the guy is generally disliked because he whines for help when he needs help and the rest of the time he's either not around or insulting everybody might have something to do with it, though, that's true...