Comment hilarity
From the comments to the previous post:
My God your an idiot. Your self centered and egotistical. Your opinions don't matter. Your not that important. quit the blog thing.
With a bogus email address and a bogus website. Nice try, Mr. Anonymous Coward on IP (, who (a little birdy tells me) could be living somewhere near Milford, Pennsylvania, USA. My self-esteem is soooo hurt by somebody who doesn't even have the balls to comment using his real name and email address.
Grow up a bit, mmkay? It's really in your best interest.
¤ October 23, 2003 10:21 PM ¤
Are you sure?
My birdies tell of a place named Atlantic City, New Jersey. But my birdies have been known to drink and then make up lies to tell me.
Posted by: O.o at October 24, 2003 08:54 AM
I shot my birdies, put them on the fire, and ate them.
Posted by: Aircraftkiller at October 24, 2003 11:29 AM
And my birdies have been known to smoke stuff they shouldn't. Ah well... we'll see which birdies were right if the little twit ever gets back, I guess.
Aicraftkiller: do me a favour and don't sign here with that email address? Just, you know, in the best interest of everybody.
Posted by: sailoreagle at October 24, 2003 12:11 PM
My God your an idiot. Your self centered and egotistical. Your opinions don't matter. Your not that important. quit the blog thing.
Posted by: Fred Chook at October 25, 2003 05:52 AM
(the fun of that was diminished by the draining feeling of using "your" for "you're")
Posted by: Fred Chook at October 25, 2003 05:52 AM
Milford Pennsylvania? Where the hell is that? I live in Norwood. My best interest? Is that a some sort of threat? I can use an ip locator too "Tempesta". I promise that I will use a proxy the next time I decide to waste my time posting a comment on your self centered pseudo intellectual babble. I'm suprised that you even know what an ip address is. And please explain to me the purpose of posting my ip address up there? was that another threat. what exactly are you going to do with my (gasp!) ip address? I'm entitled to my opinions and if you don't like them, don't allow the comments on your blog or better yet stop posting to your blog in the first place and keep your personnal stuff to yourself.
Posted by: your an asshole at October 25, 2003 05:43 PM
It was a subtle hint you didn't appear to get.
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to ban the IP address we go...
Oh, grow some balls, twit. And a brain. And go back to school, your grammar and language sucks ass.
And maybe you should go get a life, if you don't have anything better to do than troll around on weblogs. You don't like what you read? Then don't read. It's my website, I do whatever I want with it. You fuck off.
Congrats on your awesome show of maturity, though. I needed that laugh.
Not that you're likely to see this...
Posted by: sailoreagle at October 25, 2003 08:19 PM
It never ceases to amaze me that people will find a blog, decide they can't stand it, and instead of going elsewhere or hitting the little X in the corner to close the window, they feel the need to rant about it. I wonder, do they watch stuff on TV that annoys them too? Or do they change the channel like a normal human would?
Some people should not be allowed to use computers.
Posted by: Orb at October 26, 2003 10:07 AM
Some people should not be allowed to use oxygen. But that's just my personal opinion...
Posted by: CyberFish at October 26, 2003 12:18 PM
It's a prayer, fools.
My God,
thou art an idiot.
Thou art self centered and egotistical.
Thine opinions matter not.
Thou art not that important.
quit the blog thing.
Posted by: Ekim at October 26, 2003 01:11 PM
People's attitudes to blogs always kinda baffle me. I mean, yeah, there's an unpleasant extreme, but really. It's a personal website. You record thoughts there for communicating them to friends. It's somewhere between the publicness of a forum and the immediateness of a chatroom. That's all. Damned useful, too.
Posted by: Fred Chook at October 26, 2003 03:26 PM
Gotcha, e-mail changed to the normal one I use.
Posted by: Aircraftkiller at October 27, 2003 08:52 PM