So I wake up at half past stupid to go to university, yeah? Trudge to the train station, curl up on the train to sleep... when I get to my destination, the first thought that crosses my mind is, "wah, I don't wanna go to class today, I should just stay on the train and go back home" (train goes back and forth). However, I decide I should be a Good and Responsible Student and go to class anyway... after all, it's just two hours of class, and it's actually an interesting class...
I get to uni and what happens? "Oh, the teacher has just called, she woke up this morning with a horrid cold, no class today." And it's too late to catch that train, so I'm stuck here for another couple of hours.
At least the internet works... they've disabled java on this particular computer so I can't use a javachat to get on IRC, but they still haven't noticed I hid mIRC in a subfolder, so it's all good. *grin*
Why being a responsible student sucks
¤ October 30, 2003 09:48 AM ¤