
(around midnight)
<me> *reading* Ok, I'll just finish this chapter and then go to sle--*thunk* zzzzzzzzzz...

(buttfuck am)
<me> zzzzzzzzzz...
<roommate> *tromp tromp tromp tromp TROMP*
<me> Mrf?
<roommate> *tromp TROMP tromp TROMP TROMP TROMP* *cough cough COUGH cough COUGH COUGH* *TROMP TROMP TROMP TROMP*
<friendly alarm clock> Hey, it's buttfuck am!
<me> Uuuuuuuuugh...
<roommate> *TROMP TROMP TROMP*

(half past buttfuck am)
<roommate> *is silent*
<me> Thank you God. *thunk* zzzzzzzzzz...

(entirely too early in the morning)
<friendly alarm clock> Wake up! Hey, wake up!
<me> Mrf. *whacks alarm clock*
<friendly alarm clock> *is quiet*

(still entirely too early in the morning)
<friendly alarm clock> Hey! I said WAKE UP!
<me> Justanotherfiveminutes. *whacks alarm clock again*
<friendly alarm clock> But-- *is whacked, is quiet again*

(half past stupid am)
<friendly alarm clock> Uh. You're going to be late. WAKE UP!
<me> Fine, fine. *shuts alarm clock off, crawls out of bed*

And how was your night?

¤ July 28, 2004 11:07 AM ¤


I dreamed of Predators for some reason.

Didn't remember it until I read your blog.

Posted by: Ekim at July 28, 2004 12:17 PM

Night? What's that? Its just the same conditions down here in the Dungeon of Fun no matter what's happening outside. So the relevance of time has little bearing on things.
But 4 hours a night is affecting my beauty sleep :P (and given that I look like someone's been punching me, I think getting more is a plan)

Posted by: Sinar at July 28, 2004 01:59 PM

At least you dreamed. I got woken up by my inconsiderate ass of a roommate just when a dream was starting, and after that only managed to doze some before I had to get up.

Posted by: sailoreagle at July 28, 2004 06:22 PM

And Sinar, I TOLD YOU to get more sleep. But do you listen to me? Noooo... :P

Posted by: sailoreagle at July 28, 2004 06:22 PM

I hate when that happens...getting up early sucks. Alarms suck. and loud people suck. Okay, I'm done now.

Boo I have to feed on Sat. which means I need to be gone at 5:30 AM.

Speaking of Dreams, Man I have the weirdest freakin dreams man..Whoo I tell you.

Man - *checks watch * I need to get on my horse soon...

So take care missy *hugs* :)

Posted by: Bluesy at July 30, 2004 01:47 AM