For once I'm glad that being in Edinburgh means getting up early. Because my weblog was just hit with the worst comment spam attack I've seen in quite a bit. I don't know exactly how many comments I deleted, but they were just a little less than 1000. Around #530, my hotmail inbox choked from the notification emails. When I used MTBlacklist to ban the URL that was being spammed, the motherfelching bastard was still going, and ran into the block a few times before giving up. And I can't even IP-ban him, of course, because he was proxied all to hell and every single comment had a different IP. Fucknut.
I'm just glad I have MTBlacklist installed and could therefore delete every comment with that spammed URL in one fell swoop. (Even though it made the script repeatedly time out on me.)
I think I need to go look for a way to automatically lock comments on old entries. Hadn't thought it'd be necessary, but well, that was before getting ~1000 spammed comments. Ugh.
Oh for fuck's sake.
¤ July 30, 2004 11:43 AM ¤
I had the exact same problem. Charming fuckers. Wish MT automagically could close old entries without a script hack.
Posted by: Nyx at August 9, 2004 12:37 AM