And on a completely unrelated note

My Gmail account keeps spitting out invites. o_O I've given out 6 of the damn things so far and I came to work this morning to find it had spawned another 6. And I'm running out of people I see every day who might want a Gmail invite.

So... anybody want a Gmail invite? Drop a comment on this post, leaving your email address. First come first served, and people I actually know have precedence over people I've never seen before.

¤ August 29, 2004 05:16 PM ¤


Love your blog. Your rants make me laugh out loud! I would love a g-mail account if you've got an invite to spare.



Posted by: Sean anderson at August 31, 2004 05:44 AM

I sent myself an invitation, so now I have 2 Gmail accounts, the regular and the forum one... how much of a geek does that make me?

Posted by: averroes at September 4, 2004 07:33 PM

lol @ averroes

Posted by: Synapse at September 8, 2004 12:40 AM

sure, why not.

oh, btw


Posted by: Bluesy at September 26, 2004 06:55 AM