It's no easy thing to... see a Keeper.

Especially one who does not wish to be seen...

Woohoo. Finished Thief 3. Loved the ending. Eventually going to replay the whole game in Expert, but not immediately.

[Mrs. Spoiler]'s lair was cool, if a bit diminutive. The museum afterwards kicked ass... thief-proof indeed. *snerk* There wasn't a guard awake after I was done with it, nor a single bit of loot for that matter. The final mission... meh. A bit of a letdown. Yet Another City Run, really... easy even with the added challenges.

And the last handful of cutscenes looked a bit... rushed. :/

The final cutscene though kicked major ass.

have to say, I felt a bit sorry for [Mrs. Spoiler] in the end. Her own damn fault, granted, and she tried to kill me several times, but... eh. I'm too soft-hearted for my own good sometimes. ^^;

Also, seeing the plot of all three games coming full circle at the end of the final cutscene was great.

(+1 thing crossed off my to-do list, yay!)

¤ February 4, 2005 12:14 AM ¤


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