Sprain your brain

Image puzzle!

(Note: if you use a non-IE browser, you'll have to switch to IE, some images are only guessable using IE. Also, be prepared to open your image editor of choice - you won't manage otherwise.)

After you're done with that, there's a code puzzle, then a maths puzzle, then a general knowledge puzzle.

I finished it \o/ (But, to be fair, an IRC friend and I had a go at it together - where I got stuck, he helped me out, and vice versa. I see no point in breaking my brain when working on it together can achieve better results with less brain pain. ;))

¤ February 9, 2005 07:49 PM ¤


Got as far as 6 without too much trouble. Will try again when I get home!

Excellent fine, Sailor!

Posted by: Synapse at February 10, 2005 11:50 AM

Yay! I did it!
Sorry, couldn't wait until I got home!


Posted by: Synapse at February 10, 2005 01:03 PM

Number three was tricky lol

Posted by: Tammy at February 14, 2005 06:28 AM

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