Of books and supermarkets

The supermarket in the mall now carries a selection of books in English. Very limited, obviously (plenty of Dan Brown stuff, several copies of both Bridget Jones books, and a few copies of The Hobbit), but still.


It's just... exceedingly odd, in many ways. This is the supermarket that's full of trashy romance novels and where you can't find anything that's even just slightly odd.

And they carry books in English.

Granted, they're not particularly good books, excluding The Hobbit (though, I admit, I'm guilty of having bought The Da Vinci Code yesterday when I saw it was there - I was tempted to buy The Hobbit as well, but the copy of it I already have is not at the falling apart because of being read too much point yet, so I can't justify it to myself)... but it's still a step forward.

Maybe we'll soon see a proper bookstore doing this as well? *crosses fingers* There's a wonderful bookstore carrying all sorts of books in English near here, but it's in another city I don't often have an excuse to visit. (But I'm going there on Monday. Yay!)

I really hope so. Anything that helps feed my reading addiction is a good thing. ;)

¤ February 11, 2005 03:21 PM ¤


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