Ahh, IRC. You never know who you'll meet.
Just now in #opera:
<paco> osiris
<paco> I can see you are well known with opera
<osiris-> well
<osiris-> have tried it
(If you were wondering, osiris is a complete nutter. Oh, and I was almost forgetting to mention, he's the Windows test manager for Opera. ;))
Sometimes the tiniest things can make me laugh. *grin*
¤ February 25, 2005 10:17 PM ¤
Uninteresting nitpicking: The RSS entry for this post came out wrong (in Opera anyway), since you have escaped the tags inside CDATA content. Leaving them unescaped would be the correct way to do it.
Posted by: Morten Hanssen at February 28, 2005 11:49 AM
That just went right over my head. I'm completely clueless about RSS, the only reason I even have a feed is because the blogging tool I use (MovableType) comes with one automatically. Heh.
It's one of the many things I tell myself I'll learn when I have time, but I can never seem to find the time...
Posted by: sailoreagle at February 28, 2005 02:04 PM
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