You don't adopt cats... cats adopt you.

I may have mentioned this before - I can't remember if I have - but it seems we have been adopted by another cat. He first turned up about a month or so and was immediately incredibly friendly towards us... purring loudly, rubbing against our ankles, demanding cuddles, and so on. We still haven't let him inside the house, but he eats with our cats, sleeps in one of the cat baskets outside, plays with our cats, and is utterly snuggly every time one of us approaches. And he's still not moved from the general vicinity of our house.

For lack of a better name, I've taken to calling him Third Cat. Because, well, that's what he is. If he stays much longer, I fear we'll have to accept the inevitable.

Isn't he cute?

¤ March 5, 2005 03:02 PM ¤


Adorable. Just face the inevitable :)

Posted by: Kasakitis at March 7, 2005 04:28 PM

He's gorge are you gonna keep him?


Posted by: Synapse at March 14, 2005 05:55 PM

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