September 29, 2004
The time for frantical writing is once more upon us...
NaNoWriMo. Signups begin in a few days. You know you want to.
Me? Of course I'm signing up again. Duh. This will be my fourth year. Won once (in 2002), can do it again.
See you all on the other side of insanity.
(Carpal tunnel syndrome and flaming keyboard death, here I come...)
¤ 12:20 AM ¤
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September 21, 2004 review hilarity
People don't seem to like Anne Rice's book. (Gee, I wonder why?) Anne Rice goes and reads reviews on Anne Rice subsequently throws a fit. (Look for "Anne Obrien Rice"... go back a page or two if it's not on the front page.) The whole thing is bloody hilarious. Talk about inflated ego!
A few choice quotes pasted in the extended entry, because I couldn't resist...
Continue reading " review hilarity"
¤ 03:49 PM ¤
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September 06, 2004
Back home
*points* What the entry subject says. Took me longer than I'd planned to actually get home, since my plane from Edinburgh to London was delayed two hours and change - so when I landed at the Stanstead airport, I got to see the plane I was supposed to be on taking off from the window. --; So I spent the night at Stanstead (didn't sleep much, as you've probably guessed) and took the next plane, which was at 6:10am and got me home by 10am-ish.
On a happy note, though, when I got home my iPod was waiting for me. :D Had to upgrade to Win2K to use it, of course (which nuked my Opera prefs... good thing I'd taken a backup before), but now it's all installed and very shiny. Currently organizing the hell out of my 2000+ mp3 files, which will take a while, but eh... I'm happy.
And yesterday I went to Venice with my family to see Howl's moving castle at the Venice International Film Festival. \o/ Took up the whole damn afternoon and half of the evening (we left home around half past 1pm, got back home past 10pm) for the trip, it was so worth it. Beautiful movie. Really brilliant. Even my parents loved it, and they usually don't like anime.
¤ 04:19 PM ¤
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