April 27, 2005

Back home

Will post photos and a summary of the trip once I'm all caught up.

¤ 10:55 PM ¤ Comments (0) ¤

April 21, 2005

Swim, CEO, swim

This amuses me quite a bit. Go download Opera 8, people. ;)

¤ 05:17 PM ¤ Comments (0) ¤

Obligatory warning

I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon with my family, for Florence. A bit of a spur-of-the-moment trip, as we suddenly realized a few weeks ago - "huh... we'll have five days free thanks to holidays overlapping with the weekend, should we go anywhere?"

So we're going to Florence. Which makes me happy - I love the city, and I've been wanting to go back there for a while. Especially since I now have my digital camera, and I can take tons of photos. ^^

I should be back Wednesday, in the afternoon or evening.

¤ 05:14 PM ¤ Comments (1) ¤

April 19, 2005

On a completely different note

Tetris shelves. I WANT.

Of course, for $7k, there's no way I can buy them - but when I get my own place, I'm so building my own.

¤ 11:29 PM ¤ Comments (0) ¤

Fumata bianca

Habemus Papam.

Now let's see who he is...

[EDIT] Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI. Pretty much expected.

[EDIT #2] He's 78 years old. Much as I wish him a long life, all signs point to this being done all over again in 10 years or so. :|

¤ 06:01 PM ¤ Comments (0) ¤

April 18, 2005

Opera 8 released!

Finally. :)

(It was getting boring seeing a frillion people in #opera every day asking, "when will Opera 8 be released???" ;))

Mind you, it's not announced on the Opera site yet, but you can download it from one of the many FTP servers.

Opera's official one, ftp.opera.com, is getting a tad hammered right now, unsurprisingly (but you can still get in and download speedily if you use a FTP program rather than visiting it with your browser of choice) - you can find a list of mirrors here.

As usual for Opera, it rocks. :D I especially love the "fit page to window width" option. Yay, no more pages sidescrolling on me :D

¤ 07:38 PM ¤ Comments (1) ¤

April 15, 2005

The larger the car...

How wonderful your large car is! How imposing it looks as you park it diagonally across four parking spaces! And tell me -- how long after your loss was it that you started feeling the need to compensate?

¤ 01:34 PM ¤ Comments (1) ¤

April 13, 2005


Last night I had the stupidest dream I've had in quite a while. Probably due to me coding Java during the day then playing Knights Of The Old Republic in the evenings.

I was in the Jedi Academy on Dantooine, training to be a Jedi, and after a bit the Jedi I was talking with told me I could build my lightsaber.

So I did. Er, sort of. The dream view switched to a screen.

import java.io.*;
import dream.jedi.*;
public class Lightsaber {
	public static getBasicCrystal(Crystal c) {

I want my brain back. :P

¤ 09:32 AM ¤ Comments (8) ¤

April 06, 2005

Cara Protezione Civile...

Cara Protezione Civile,
non so, magari sono io che sono abituata a internet dove scrivere in tutte maiuscole significa urlare, ma il messaggino inviato per informare chi va a Roma della situazione mi è sembrato scritto male. Insomma:


Per esempio, perché usare "mezzi di trasporto collettivo"? "Mezzi pubblici" significa la stessa cosa ed è più corto.

Sarò pignola io, ma era decisamente possibile scrivere il messaggino usando lo stesso numero di lettere e trasmettendo le stesse informazioni, ma in modo un po' più corretto. Per esempio così:

"Se vai a Roma per il Papa usa i mezzi pubblici. Le code sono organizzate ma molto lunghe. Farà caldo di giorno, fresco di notte. Informazioni: Isoradio 103.3"


¤ 07:27 PM ¤ Comments (13) ¤

April 02, 2005

The Pope is dead


Although some of his opinions and positions on certain matters irritated me... as Popes go, he was damn good.

He will be missed.

¤ 09:16 PM ¤ Comments (0) ¤