A self-serving alias more than an useful one, but I was bored and wanted to try and script something like this. :) This alias, when you type /power, will display the amount of channels you have ops, halfops, voice, or are a regular user in across all channels and networks... [read more]
This first snippet will kickban somebody from all channels you have ops in if they change their nick three times in 30 seconds. The ban is temporary (60 seconds). on *:NICK: { inc -u30 $+(%,$wildsite,.nflood) if ($($+(%,$wildsite,.nflood),2) >= 3) { var %ch = $comchan($newnick,0) while (%ch) { if ($comchan($newnick,%ch).op) {... [read more]
Getting mIRC to properly put status logfiles in their respective network's folder. [read more]